South-Africa 1/10 Krugerrand 1980 1/10 Oz.
€ 320,00
Nederland Medal Johan Willem Friso van Oranje-Nassau
€ 325,00
Latvia 1 Lats 2007 The Golden Apple Tree
€ 140,00
France 5 Euro 2008 French Republic
€ 140,00
Mexico 10 Peso 1959 Hidalgo
€ 725,00
USA 5 Dollars 1908 Indian Head
€ 840,00
Nederland 10 Gulden 1911 Wilhelmina
€ 590,00
United Kingdom Sovereign 2021 Elizabeth II
€ 810,00
Portugal 400 Reis 1721 João V
€ 290,00
Liberia 100 Dollars 1979 Elephant
€ 1.140,00
Japan 1 Bu ND (1837-1858) Tenpo Ichibu Kin
€ 250,00
Egypt 1 Pound 1374 (1955) Revolution
€ 980,00
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